Join the circus as Oooompa Loooompa or new reality TV show: The Bearded Lady and Her Bacon Knee High's.

1. Gained 50 lbs in 4 months - CHECK
2. Sprouted sideburns, actually almost a full beard - CHECK
3. 5 necks materialized - CHECK
4. Right leg twice it's size and is either 
    hot magenta or periwinkle purple - CHECK
5. Hot red mystery rash all over face - CHECK
6. Using one crutch for 2 years ongoing- CHECK
7. Belly has the 10 month impregnated look - CHECK
8. Lunatic moon face - CHECK

Yes, my children and husband tell me, now is the time to join the circus
One swift kid of mine said, "You could be an Oooopa Loooompa." Hahaha! You're grounded! Another sassy pants said, "You could be the bearded lady." Yes, my child, I could!  
You may no longer live here! 
I have news for you guys.  
This IS MY circus and YOU are my monkey's! 
(I stole that from FB, I am POSITIVE someone wrote that just for our family!)

I'm finally off of the Dexamethasone 
for 3 weeks now.  
My face is a bit smaller. Scary thing, they say, it could take up to a year to get back to normal from drug induced Cushings!

Every once in a while I have a pity party. I'm ugly, I'm fat, I can't walk, I have a rash, a roach just ran over my foot, I can't open lids, I can't ride my bike, I can't________, I can't__________, I can't______________etc, etc, etc, etc.

Then quickly I slap that devil silly. The NERVE! Thinking for a split second that he had any business parking his rear end on my body and pushing me over the edge by whispering in my ear! 

I'll show him who's in charge. 
God our Savior!
Cast your cares on the Lord...Psalm 55:22  Aesthetic Artwork Despite Tremors #27
The incredibly exciting news here is that NOW my pity parties only happen once in a blue moon and NOW they don't last long at all!

For those of you who understand depression or pity parties or anything similar in nature,

It is SO CLEAR to me that it is NOT by my power that I am able to be joyful but it is by GOD'S power! 

Not my artwork! I just loved it!
It took a lifetime but I have learned to take certain measures. 

For instance... 

1. I don't seek worldly things like I used to.
INSTEAD I go to the Lord first in good times, bad times, normal times, all times! I talk to Him out loud or in silence. Bibles are in my purse, cell phone, kitchen, bedroom so that I can read the word and get to know Him better without one of my fancy excuses. I belt out music in the car that worships and praises Him. I cry out to Him in the middle of the night when I'm scared or in pain. OR I pray for people or I count my blessings. OR I am just silent, listening for what the Holy Spirit might have for me. I used to grump when I could not sleep in the night that there is nothing to do...I was so wrong! There is SO much to do! He LOVES me! And He wants a relationship with me!

2. I don't go into a dark room and lay on my bed or the couch  with my childhood teddy bear and my soft furry comforter and wallow in my grief.
INSTEAD I make an effort to be with people or at least around people. If I don't want to talk I go to Starbucks and read or draw.

3. I don't cancel all outings with friends or family and become a grumpy hermit. 
INSTEAD I reach out to other fellow Jesus followers for support! 

4. I don't list out all the negative messages that I received one way or another from childhood, that I now automatically give to myself.
INSTEAD  I count all my many, many, many blessings. 

5. I don't bask in my circumstances as if I should be in the spotlight or start a new reality TV show. "The Bearded Lady: Back in the ER sporting her bacon knee high's!" You don't want to miss this episode! YOU WON'T believe what you see! 8:00 pm tonight!
INSTEAD I start praying for friends, family, our country, our leaders, etc. 
6. I don't whine, "It's NOT working," When I am NOT working it!! 
INSTEAD if I slip a little or a lot, I get back up and get back on track. I know that Jesus loves me-no matter what!

nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39 NKJV
 It's a choice! 
Hard doesn't mean I can't do it! 
And the rewards are indescribable! 

 Just a simplistic update without much detail:
They found a clot in my right leg. Just a reminder to be your own advocate! After going to my internist 2 times she thought it was a pulled muscle. The 3rd time I said, "This is NOT a pulled muscle!" She sent me to a Vascular Surgeon ASAP where they found the clot. Several days ago I spent all day in the ER with my husband out of town (Praise God for my responsible and self-less children who cancelled their activities to take me and stay there with me.) Good news-I went home with diuretics only, the doctor said my legs were way too swollen, everything else was good. After I described my symptoms early that morning the nurse said, "Get to the ER NOW! And have someone else drive!" They had all thought that the clot was traveling to my lungs and/or I was having a stroke. 7 hours later we left the hospital, me having a blood pressure of 90/45 in which they said, talk to your doctor about that.

Side note: I love my internist. She even sent me a note saying she missed this one, she was so happy I followed my instincts! A humble doctor, which is hard to find.

Another side note: That adorable photo up top is my now 20 year old son. I LOVE that photo and thought it fitting. He threw on his clothes way too early in the morning, no shower, no coffee and without complaint and got me to the ER in no time and sat with me and was my perfect advocate. My 2 daughters where there and very helpful and loving, and to top that off got me a banana milk shake on the way home. And my sexy husband tried his best to get a flight home but none were available.

God is Good.
