My Heart, it Hurts

My heart, it hurts.
My heart is hurting but not for me. For others it is screaming out to the Lord, "Why do such bad things happen, and to such good people!" On the way to yet another Dr. appointment I was driving on the highway. A rather sluggish driver up ahead was causing all the traffic to slow down. The van in front of me jerked to the left as soon as he got the chance and whipped around the sloth car. Observing that he seemed rather perturbed, it was confirmed to me by the sign language that he threw out the window as he passed by that car. It was then that I also noticed the huge florescent bumper sticker that boldly screamed his church name and logo. However, his hand signal screamed louder. Funny enough it was the church that knowingly hurt my family deeply several years ago. Without apology.

"Figures!" That was my thought. Bad or not, it's what I thought.

My husband posed a great question in the car while 2 of my precious children were with us. "Why do you suppose young kids and young adults are so very disrespectful these days?" Do you think it's because they have too much stuff? Do you think authorities in their daily lives are just accepting the behavior as typical and acceptable? Maybe their parents don't teach it or demand it? Perhaps consequences aren't lived out to their full, as we all like to lesson the pain we induce on our own kids? To me all these things are good possibilities. 

I personally think it is one basic thing. Probably more complicated. But basically, one thing.

Children, as they grow up, OBSERVE. Matters not what you tell them. Matters what you show them. Often, as I am wondering where in the world a  certain kid learned to behave with the disrespect or attitude that I witnessed....I look closer. Sure enough the parent or caregiver behaves in a similar fashion! If the child picks up nasty behavior from outside the home, his authority figures should slap him silly once at home. A spanking, firm talking to or a consequence is absolutely mandatory! (Says me.) Otherwise THAT behavior is now dubbed "OK" by the child and whoever else is/was watching. It's crazy but true-usually, someone is watching or observing me....It could be creepy OR it could be an opportunity to witness for the Lord, His Word and what He calls us to do! People out there think that Christians are crazy-I want to prove to them that;

"YES! I am crazy! 
CRAZY to serve and delight my Father! 

No longer do I care about people and the world judging me. I finally figured out that I was racking up "good deeds" to go down in the "Good Christian" book. I was personally condemned. I had to search my heart for why I wanted to please the world.  

As I fell more in love with the Lord it came to fruition that I just wanted to please Him because I love Him. Simple. Much easier. Actually a big relief.

(Amazing I got through college without ADD medications.)

My eyes have been opened wide. I see people hurting. As I posted the other day, pain is pain. Let us not compare. EVERYONE has pain of some sort. The Lord has given me a heart for those who are hurting. He has such a silly sense of humor. Because my past riddles me guilty of dolling out grief and pain to others. Even sometimes now-but never on purpose. One thing I have found to be true: 


Something that I could so relate to that someone I know said all the time. So now, I have lived it, dolled it, experienced it and observed it to be true. I am no longer surprised nor take it personally when someone is mean to me. In fact, my heart cries for them. It bleeds for them. Because I know that somehow, in someway, they are hurting.  
My bitterness has transformed into compassion.  
I just pray for them.

But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. 
Matthew 5:39 NKJV

God turned my judging mind into an observant, compassionate one. He turned my heart from hard and hateful to breaking and bleeding for others. I suffer my very own physical pain and grief. But for my own self, I don't fret. For I know the plan that the Lord has for me and they are perfect! 

For others; I pray.

For I know the plans that I think toward you, 
says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to 
give you a future and a hope. 
Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV

So much more to say. But for now, I'm done.

My friends; Please know that I am praying for you! It is one thing that my health can not take away from me!
Isn't it awesome that the choice is ours as 
to how we look at stuff?!
